
Tuesday, 27 March 2012

How to remove dry skin from face...?

  •                          When the skin on your face is dry and flaky, you may try using commercially produced creams and lotions to help soothe your skin condition. However, commercial skin products can sometimes contain chemical ingredients that cause irritation in individuals with highly sensitive skin. One solution is to use natural substances to ease dry, flaky skin, such as milk and honey.

    Vitamin E Mixture

  •  Apply an exfoliating cleanser to your face.
  • Rinse with lukewarm water. Pat dry with towel.
  • Mix 1/2 tsp. of Vitamin E, 3 drops of lime juice, and 1/2 tsp. of glycerin in a bowl. Mix well.
  • Apply the mixture to your skin. Leave on for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse the mixture off with lukewarm water. Pat dry with towel.


  • Wash your skin with a non-drying facial cleanser. Pat dry with towel.
  • Pour 1/2 cup whole milk into a bowl.
  •  Dip a clean, soft towel into a bowl. Gently wring out the towel so that the milk does not drip.
  • Dab the towel onto your face. Continue dabbing for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse well with cold water. Pat your face dry with towel.


                          If you experience stinging, burning, swelling or itching on your skin when using milk and honey as a cleanser or mask, discontinue their use and contact your doctor before reusing them. You may have an allergy to the lactose or casein in the milk. If a milk allergy does exist, you can use honey as a cleanser or mask on its own.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Some Natural Tips To Improve Fainess of Face

 White Glowing Skin is not only desire of all females but also important for males to give them a charming Look. Excessive quantity of Melanin Pigment Results in Darkness of Skin Colour.If You have Dark or Less fair colour then don`t need to blame yourself for having Dark Skin Colour because Now you can modify your Skin into Fair and Glowing Skin Simply By Following given Tips

  • Apply banana with milk on your face,  and neck . Try this home remedy as a beauty tip to get fair , smooth ,and glowing skin naturally
  • Take half teaspoon of honey with a pinch of cinnamon; apply on your face to get fair skin at home.
  • Potato or tomato alone is a good bleach for your skin. Use this beauty tip daily.
  • Lentil, curd/milk, lemon juice, and rice mixed together become a great scrub for getting fair, soft, and glowing skin naturally. Follow this beauty tip on alternate days.
  • Mango peels mixed with 1 spoon of milk can be applied on face, and neck to impart healthy glow to your face.
  • Apply egg white on face twice a week to get fairer skin. Use this home remedy if you have to make your oily skin fair at home.
  • Apply the mixture of corn flour, and egg white to get glowing, and fair complexion naturally at home
  • Apply malai/milk cream with lemon juice daily .Use this home remedy  to get irresistible smooth, fair, and glowing skin naturally at home.
  • Rub lemon on your face to get glowing ,and fair skin. You can add a pinch of turmeric in lemon juice as a beauty tip. Lemon has ascorbic acid ,which bleaches the skin naturally to make it fair at home .This  home remedy will remove the tan also.
  • You can massage you face with almond oil , coconut oil, jojoba oil ,mineral oil, or olive oil as a beauty tip to get fair, smooth, and glowing skin naturally at home .Add a pinch of saffron in the oil you chose. Try this easy home remedy.       
  • Apply tomato ,and honey on your face  for getting fair ,soft ,oil-free, and glowing skin naturally at home .Follow this beauty tip for getting flawless complexion for 20 minutes. 
  • Mix 1 spoon of buttermilk with 1 spoon of radish juice to reduce wrinkles, and roughness of skin . Try this beauty tip. 
  • Take 2 table spoon gram flour(besan) , 1 spoon of raw milk, 6 drops of lime juice with few drops of olive oil to make face pack to get fair skin. This home remedy is good for all skin types.

  • Take 2 spoons of barley flour,1 spoon of honey, and  and 1/2 cup of  ripe  papaya as a beauty tip for getting soft, fair ,and glowing complexion naturally.
  • Spray rose water on the skin to get fair skin.
  • Use amla oil(Indian gooseberry oil) mixed with glycerin as a beauty tip for soft, and glowing complexion naturally at home.  
  • Dab on 1/2 spoon of almond powder,2 spoons of barley flour, and rose water to rejuvenate the dull ,and  pale skin. 
  • Mix malai with 1 spoon of walnut powder ,honey, and lemon juice to scrub your face for 20 minutes. Follow this  home remedy as a beauty tip for getting soft ,fair, and glowing skin naturally at home.
  • Cucumber with coconut water is a great skin lightening home remdy for getting fair, soft, and glowing skin naturally .Follow this beauty tip to remove  all scars (even chicken pox scars) from the face.  
  • Home remedy of Milk with honey will help in getting you fairer if you use it daily.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Remove hair on face naturally

Almost all parts of the body have hair including the face. Hair on the face is particularly annoying to women. It may make them feel unfeminine, unattractive, cause stress and loss of confidence. It is normal for the face to have fine downy hair. When this hair growth is coarse and thick, the problems start. This excessive hair growth may be due to hereditary factors, hormonal imbalances or as a reaction to certain medicines.

Here are a few herbal treatments that can be done at home to remove hair and slow down re growth. These are effective if done regularly, say every week and require patience and pre testing. Test the mask on the back of the hand for example to check there is no adverse reaction before proceeding.

* Mix 30 grams of sugar with 10 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice in 150 ml of water. Mix well and then apply it on the face in the direction of the hair growth. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Then rinse with cold water, rubbing the facial area gently. The granular sugar and lemon mixture will act as a gentle exfoliating agent and remove facial hair. The lemon juice will act as an astringent and natural anti septic. Repeat once every week to find an improvement.

* Another remedy that can help in reducing hair growth on the face and remove unwanted hair is easy to make and use every week. Squeeze 10 ml lemon juice into 40 ml honey and prepare a mixture. Take a cotton swab and rub this mixture in the direction of the hair growth. Rinse after 15 minutes. Repeat twice a week for 2 weeks and then use it every week to find an improvement in the facial hair condition.

* An easy to use facial mask to help remove unwanted hair is to squeeze 10 ml lemon juice into a cup of water (150ml). Add 30 grams of Gram flour into this mixture and mix thoroughly. Apply this yellow mixture on the face. Wait for 15 minutes and then scrub your face in the direction of the hair growth to remove unwanted hair.

* Prepare a thick mixture of haldi, besan and curd. Apply t on the skin and leave it to dry. Rub off the mixture gently from your skin and wash off with water.

Homemade wax :
Use two cups of sugar, one fourth cup of water and one fourth cup of lemon juice. Heat a pan and pour all the mentioned ingredients in it. Heat this over a low flame and keep stirring till it's melted. You will get a thick brown liquid which can be used once slightly cool. Before you start waxing check it on you finger for consistency as well as the temperature. Before applying this mixture with a butter knife, cool it by blowing air over it. Use a clean cloth or any waxing strip; pull it in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Once done, apply ice as well as astringent over the area to tighten the pores. 

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

How to Get Beautiful Hair With Natural Home Treatments.

                             If you are like many women, your bathroom is littered with shampoos, conditioners, hair moisturizes and styling products. Maybe it's time for a natural alternative. Give your hair a break from harsh chemicals, waxy build-up and synthetic perfumes. Create a few easy natural home treatments to make your hair beautiful and healthy.


    • Calm your frizzy, out of control hair with natural coconut oil. Rub a small amount of oil into your hands and apply to your damp hair. Don't use too much or your hair may end up looking greasy. Shampoo your hair less frequently to minimize frizz, as excess shampooing can strip the natural oil from your hair.
    • Remove excess shampoo and styling product build-up with baking soda. In a large bowl, add 3 tbsp. baking soda and mix well. After showering, rinse your hair with the baking soda and water. Allow the water and baking soda to set on your hair for at least 5 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.
    • Bring life and a brilliant shine to dull hair with lemon juice. Add 1 tbsp. lemon juice to a 16 oz. bottle of water and apply to your hair after the final rinse. Do not rinse the lemon juice out; simply towel dry your hair and style as normal. If your hair is dry, use less lemon juice; if greasy, use more.
    • Stimulate growth and rejuvenate hair by adding ylang ylang and rosemary essential oils to your shampoos, conditioners and styling products. As a general rule, you should add one drop of each oil for every 2 oz. of hair product. Not only will these home treatments make your hair beautiful naturally, they will add a pleasant aroma to your hair care products.
    • Give you hair bounce and extra shine by rinsing your hair with apple cider vinegar. Apply a one to one mixture of warm water and apple cider vinegar to your hair and allow it to set for at least 5 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. Apple cider vinegar has a strong smell, so rinse well.
    • Drink lots of water and eat a healthy diet of raw fruits and vegetables. The most effective home treatment for hair care is a healthy diet. You are what you eat, and what you put into your body will be reflected on the outside.

How to Get Beautiful Eyes

  1. When doing your foundation and concealer, include your eyes. People with thinner skin should especially remember to do this because otherwise the veins will show and dark circles will show. This creates a sort of "blank canvas".
  2. Line your eyes with a dark brown eyeliner (or black if you have a darker skin tone or are doing evening/party make up). The liner should be thin near the inner corners and get gradually wider as you reach the outer edge.
  3. Choosing eyeshadow color. To play up your eye color, choose a shade opposite of your eye color. For example, if you have dark brown eyes, use royal blue, navy, or purple. If you have blue eyes, use a medium brown. Plum actually looks very good as well. Don't use red. That's obvious. And be careful with pink; frosty pink looks the best. With green eyes, blue and purple really bring out the color.
  4. Of course, for a more natural look, just use a shimmery, neutral shade, with a darker version of the color in the creases out to the outer edges.
  5. No matter what you eye color or shape is, at the end, curl your eyelashes. This makes them look longer, and you look more awake. Also remember to apply black mascara.
  • If you are fair and looking to do a more natural look, go for brown or brownish-black mascara.

  • If your eyelashes are naturally black and thick, use a clear mascara unless you're really trying to play them up or go for a more intense look.

  • Your eyeliner should not look square, or really pointy. To achieve beautiful eyes, stick to the actual shape of your eye.

  • To really light up your eyes, apply white or pale gold eyeshadow to the inner rims and the brow bones.

  • If you have a problem with dark circles, and you feel it's making your eyes not as beautiful as you would like, use a concealer with a yellowish undertone,(but don't rub it in, use a brush to sort of pat it on. Rubbing it in can make the circles darker)or if you just want to use a drugstore thing to help. I suggest Garniers products. There are also many at home remedies. Using cucumbers and cold spoons are a temporary fix to those dark circles. Be careful, the cucumber juice gets into your eyes if you open them when they are on your eyes. You only make that mistake once and it burns!!


  • Never apply mascara or curl your eyelashes while driving or walking. You could poke your eye out, lose your eyelashes, or go blind. Definitely not worth it.
  • If you have blue eyes and are using a pink eyeshadow, don't apply it under your eyes. You will look tired and/or sick.

Thanks to  Harri  -------

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

how to remove dark color from lips.....

      Dark lips for sure can spoil the look of your face. There are various factors which might cause your lips to become dark. Excessive smoking is one major cause of dark lips. Some others might include drinking too much of caffeine, over exposure to sun rays or using lip color of poor quality.  If you are suffering from dark lips problem, you should make it sure that you go for dark lips treatment because it makes your face lose its sheen.

 The immediate measures to cure black lips:
1. Quit taking excessive Tea or Coffee.
2. Quit smoking immediately
3. Quit applying too much of lipsticks
4. Quit applying cheap lipsticks
5. Quit too much of direct exposure to sun
6. Quit lip licking

Things to Keep in Mind for Dark lips treatment:
  1. As the first thing in the morning, it is better that you try to exfoliate your lips because it is helpful in removing the dead cells from the lips and make them soft.
  2. If your lips are chapped or dehydrated you should not forget to apply a good quality lip balm. Applying lip balm daily at night time before going to bed will surely prevent your lips from getting chapped.
  3. Make sure that the lipstick you are applying suits your lips. Many a times it happens that we apply lipstick of not good quality which in fact causes lips to become dark.
  4. Always apply a lip liner before lipstick on your lips. Try to use lipsticks of mild kind.
  5. Choose your lip stick brand wisely. If only after sometime you start to notice a visible change in your lips color it is better to stop using that brand.

Home Remedies for Dark Lips Treatment:
      You can also apply lemon juice on your lips to prevent the darkening of the lips.
      Apply olive oil on your lips, this  not just moisturisers the skin but also prevent the dark color.
      If your lipstick has expired it is best to throw them away.
      Lime, honey and glycerine should be mixed into a fine paste and applied on the lips.
      Some juices like lime juice, beetroot is also effective in lightening the tone of your dark lips.


Monday, 19 March 2012

How to remove dark spot on face.


A black spot on the face could cause a lot of concern when it comes to beauty. A black spot on face can occur due to various reasons. There are certain skin conditions that may lead to appearance of dark spots on the skin. The intake of antibiotic medication can also lead to this problem. Apart from health problems, black spots on the face may also occur due to sun exposure. The pigment melanin which is produced by certain cells of the body helps to protect the skin from the harmful UV radiation of the sun. Concentrations of melanin could lead to the appearance of dark spots on the skin. Some individuals experience darkened patches and spots due to the natural process of aging or hormonal imbalances. Liver disease, pregnancy and excessive stress are some of the other causes of black spots on the face. Here are some tips on how to remove black spot on face.

  1.  Lemon juice is one of the most effective home remedies for a black spot. Lemon juice serves as a natural bleaching agent and helps to lighten skin blemishes. Lemon juice may be applied directly to the affected area. You can also add some glycerin to the lemon juice and apply to the black spot on the face.
  2.  Shea butter is also known to be effective in treating black spots. It is obtained from the shea tree and is known for its natural skin lightening properties. Shea butter is also contained in many skin care products.
  3.  Another beneficial remedy for black spots is cucumber. Cucumber juice or grated cucumber may be applied to the affected areas to lighten them
  4.  A face mask made with mashed cucumber and rose water is known to be highly beneficial for treating black spots and also improving complexion.
  5.  An age-old remedy for getting rid of skin blemishes is paste of rose water and saffron.
  6.  Honey may also be added to saffron and applied over the black spots.
  7.  A popular natural treatment for black spot is turmeric. Add some turmeric powder to milk and apply to the spots.